Shoot and Share Worldwide Contest Results
Shoot and Share Results
I am so excited about our first year in the Shoot and Share contest. For those who do not know, S&S is a worldwide free contest that only happens once per year. This year over 580,000 photos were submitted from all over the world! Can you believe it?!
The amount of talent is astonishing and humbling to put it lightly. Just to have my photos in the same contest as some of these others was a privilege, much less to make it so far! We submitted the maximum amount of 50 photos and I was beyond shocked to learn that 27 of those photos were voted in the top 30%! To be more precise:
11 were voted Top 10%
9 were voted Top 20%
7 were voted Top 30%
We are beyond thrilled to show you which of our photos made it into these top spots! Book your session with Twenty-Three Photography and maybe your photos will make it into next years contest! And if you like my photos, don’t forget to go to the S&S website to check out the stunning photos that WON!
So here… in NO PARTICULAR ORDER… are Twenty-Three Photographys Top Voted photos! impotenzastop.it