Native Texan Photographer Returns Home

The military life has had its ups and downs for our family. I, myself, am an Air Force veteran. However, for the past 8 years my husband, Joshua, has proudly served for the Army. After much deliberation and prayer, he decided to leave the Army and return home to be a Texas State Trooper. I support him whole-heartedly in his choice and am so excited to begin this next step in our lives.

So… we returned to Texas! I can honestly say that I didn’t expect such a huge impact. I knew uprooting my full-time, thriving photography business from Hawaii would have its share of difficulties, but I never imagined it would be this much of a struggle. Landing in Texas I was 7 months pregnant with our third child (a boy this time)… I obviously decided to wait on marketing the business until after I had our little man. During my maternity leave, we found out it would take another 6 months minimum before my husband would be able to begin with the state troopers. (And the struggle begins viagra femenino…)
No time to waste
Joshua began the long process in attaining his goal. He took a job working for FedEx in the interim (not as glamorous as it sounds). And we moved into a quaint little rental home while we await the next step in our lives. The troopers informed us that we could be moved anywhere in the state for the first year of his duty. This put me in a bind. I LOVE my work, I cant wait to get back to photographing babies and their sweet families! But how can I possible spend money we would be needing in the coming months marketing to an area we might not stay in? Simple, I cant.

But that doesn’t mean I have to concede. I can rely on the community around me to support my small business by spreading my name and the word that I am here! My business is completely personal, and unlike most in its custom experience style. I love my clients and have always maintained a loyal clientele base prior to our move. My hope is to build it again here in Texas. No matter where the state troopers move our family around the state, I plan to keep the connections made here in East Texas and grow our photography family from these roots.
If you would like to keep up to date on whats going on at A Little Love Photography and to catch any deals or mini sessions we may offer throughout the year, please Subscribe to our email list at the top of the page.
And if you have a local small businesses, please send me your info! I would love to support one another in our goals.