Col. 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.
Commercial photography is the creation of images to be used by businesses for selling or promoting your brand. My goal is to position your brand in the minds of the viewers through photographs. In other words, I am here to tell your brand story. Most importantly, whether you need personal branding, product photography or headshots, I’ve got you covered!
For example, I have worked with large companies, such as Anchor Products. I photographed products for their website, company headshots and installation guide photos. Similarly, working with resorts like the Silver Spur Resort, I provided imagery of their locale, lodging, events and activities. However, I have also worked with small businesses, like Dr. Pam, a holistic veterinarian. For her, I provided imagery for her website, headshots and branding. And I would love to do the same for you.